Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Network Trafic Monitoring, bandwidth, etc

source : http://www.topology.org/comms/netmon.html

NMTF tools A big list of network monitoring tools. And I do mean BIG.
sniffers 2005-7-12: Steve Baum's list of network sniffing tools.
Zenoss 2007-6-9: Open Source Enterprise Monitoring. Has in impressive set of network monitoring features. Very nice web site too!
IPTraf A Statistics Utility for Monitoring IP Networks.
ntop ntop is a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every Unix platform and on Win32 as well.
Pload Graphical monitoring of PPP traffic.
Ksnuffle KSnuffle is a network packet sniffer for KDE.
IPAC ipac Linux ip accounting package.

text-based packet monitoring software

wireshark.org Formerly called `Ethereal' network analyzer. Analyzes log files in tcpdump and other formats. Can also run live.
IPaudit Logs aggregate traffic between host pairs.
tcpdump Includes libpcap library. I use tcpdump several times a day to monitor traffic.
tcpdump2ascii Perl script to convert tcpdump files to ascii.
nstreams From Hervé Schauer Consultants, France. Nstreams is a program which analyzes the streams that occur on a network. It displays which streams are generated by the users between several networks, and between the networks and the outside.
supersniffer Improved version of tcpdump?

NetPeek NetPeek is a GUI-based network monitoring and diagnosis tool. It captures packets from the local network and displays them to the user in two forms... Requires GTK and Gnome.
TCP Sniffer Marcelo Gornstein's free network tools, including `Easy Sniffer', `Send Packet' and `TCP Listen'.
xipdump A snazzy IP packet monitoring tool for X window system, with impressive screenshot.
WinDump TCPdump for Windows.
Moniker Unsophisticated command-line perl scripts to monitor traffic and create CSV files of observed traffic.

remote computer monitoring software

NMAP Free open source network probing utility. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) they are offering, what operating system (and OS version) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics.
nessus.org The "Nessus" Project aims to provide to the internet community a free, powerful, up-to-date and easy to use remote security scanner.
nagios An open source host, service and network monitoring program.
Mon Some sort of network monitoring tool. "mon" is a tool for monitoring the availability of services. Services may be network-related, environmental conditions, or nearly anything that can be tested with software. Here is the top web page.

remote monitoring software for web-sites

monit/munin 2006-5-8: Server Monitoring With munin And monit.
Cuevision 2004-9-28: Commercial software to monitor websites. A tool to monitor your website, monitor your servers and monitor your network devices.
nPULSE nPULSE is a web-based network monitoring package for Unix-like operating systems. It can quickly monitor tens, hundreds, even thousands of sites/devices at a time on multiple ports. See also the freshmeat link.
XACCT XACCT Technologies has created the first and only Network to Business (N2B) platform that provides a bi-directional, real-time link between the physical network infrastructure and Operations and Business Support Systems (OSS/BSSs) to enable advanced network and service usage and automated service provisioning.
dotcom-monitor.com 2004-9-13: Commercial remote monitoring software for web sites. Dotcom-Monitor provides web site monitoring service that tests your website from multiple locations around the world as often as every minute simulating end-user behavior from each location.
GFI Network
Server Monitor Commercial software which checks your network & servers for failures and fixes them automatically, before your network users notice them. Limited freeware version is also available.
Alchemy Eye Alchemy Eye is a system management tool that continuously monitors server availability and performance. In the event of network errors, Alchemy Eye can alert the network administrator by cell phone or pager. Commercial software. Seems to be intended for MS servers.
Server Nanny 2004-4-18: Commercial software for remote monitoring of systems. Server Nanny Network Monitor monitors servers and network devices, sends problem notifications, performs actions, and logs performance data.

network traffic metrics

Surveyor Surveyor is a measurement infrastructure that is being currently deployed at participating sites around the world.
IPPM Internet Protocol Performance Metrics. An IETF Working Group.

internet end-to-end performance evaluation software

CAIDA Cooperative association for Internet data analysis. Tools and analyses promoting the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure. They have a range of tools for measurement and visualisation.
PMA 2004-9-17: Passive Measurement and Analysis. The goal of the PMA project is to deliver new insights into the operation, behavior, and health of the Internet, for the benefit of network users and operations. Passive header trace data provides the means to study workload profiles for a number of strategically located measurement points in high speed environments. We currently take daily measurements from OC3 through OC48 speeds.
BBMonitor 2006-6-18: A commercial bandwidth monitoring tool for MS-Windows i386 machines. This software if a traffic performance measurement tool rather than a packet sniffer.
FireHunter A system for monitoring the network performance for users of an Internet access network. This system sets of alarms when users violate their SLAs. See their product information. This system is used by Qwest.
webperf This open source software runs on Solaris, Linux, *BSD (not FreeBSD 3.2), and WinNT.
For the webmaster, It is hard to know how their web sites are performing. Just because a site is fast and responsive from your desk, doesn't mean that it is like that from around the world.
This project was started to help webmasters monitor the responsiveness of URLs on their sites (as well as their competitors) from different parts of the internet.
This software seems to be oriented more towards evaluating web servers rather than web access links for clients.
Hypertrak This is a white paper for commercial software to do server-oriented web performance analysis.

related stuff

spinning cube 2004-6-2: The Spinning Cube of Potential Doom. The cube displays data from Bro along 3 axes and creates interesting visual results (port scans, barber poles, lawnmower). See also the slashdot article.
state of the Internet Rolling 24-hour graphs of end-to-end Internet performance.
Internet weather report Animated maps of current Internet lag.
Surveyor Paper on An Infrastructure for Internet Performance Measurements.
NetFactual.com Web site which makes statistical surveys of the net.
netcraft site classifier The UK Netcraft site's What's that site running? - tells you what server and OS a web site is running. E.g. you could check on www.topology.org.
uptimebot.com 2004-6-5: A really annoying service for monitoring web site uptime or something.
CyberAlert Cyberalert 3.0 is a fully-automated Internet monitoring and Web clipping service.
false.net Provides some probing tools which have been abused against my web site.
Extreme tracking A site which provides very detailed info on visitors to particular sites. With the eXTReMe Tracker you get every advanced feature required to picture the visitors of your website. Conveniently arranged, numbers, percentages, stats, totals and averages.

This is just my personal set of bookmarks for network monitoring tools, with an emphasis on software for linux.
I'm not sure about the classification of software into the different headings.
The term network monitoring is used for two different concepts: network traffic monitoring and remote computer monitoring.
Network traffic monitoring means monitoring of traffic on network links.
Remote computer monitoring means remote monitoring of computers, using the network only to carry the communications.
This web page is really targetted at network traffic monitoring.

Go to internet security.
Go to internet protocol links.
Go to SNMP software links.
Go to statistical shapers.
Go to TCP/IP research.
Go to Dan Kaminsky's big DNS vulnerability.
Go to Alan Kennington's home page.

source : http://www.topology.org/comms/netmon.html

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